Friday, December 17, 2010

Los secretos de Dios (The Secret Things of God): Descubra los tesoros reservados para usted (Spanish Edition)

Los secretos de Dios (The Secret Things of God): Descubra los tesoros reservados para usted (Spanish Edition) Review

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Los secretos de Dios (The Secret Things of God): Descubra los tesoros reservados para usted (Spanish Edition) Feature

The Bible claims that God has provided special truths that can change lives and uplift the spirit. But often those truths lie dormant and untapped within the soul.

Offering a positive alternative to The Secret based on biblical scripture, Dr. Henry Cloud reveals that there is indeed a power of attraction ruling the universe -- the attraction between God and his creation -- and demonstrates how that power can shape their lives. Sharing secrets about happiness, relationships, purpose, and God -- The Secret Things of God guides readers to the heart of eternal revelations that have a powerful impact on everyday living. Life-changing spiritual truths point readers toward the Creator of the Universe and reveal the love God has for them. With more than four million books sold, Dr. Cloud brings his insights as a psychologist and student of spiritual life to explore the essential principles that govern readers' goals, desires, relationships, and lives. Guaranteed to bring security and hope, these principles establish a connection to God and provide the secret to true inner peace. There are millions of The Secret in print, providing a huge built-in audience for The Secret Things of God -- an audience hungry for answers as to how TheSecret fits in with their faith.

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