Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CAMPANA DE BARRO: El asalto que cimbró al Bicentenario (Spanish Edition)

CAMPANA DE BARRO: El asalto que cimbró al Bicentenario (Spanish Edition) Review

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CAMPANA DE BARRO: El asalto que cimbró al Bicentenario (Spanish Edition) Feature

Aztlan se prepara para las fiestas del Bicentenario. Pese a la alegria y jubilo general, existen personas que quieren aprovechar el trance para obtener partido. Uno de ellos es Conrado Samperio, subsecretario de la Cultura del actual gobierno, quien elaboro un plan para boicotear los festejos con el objetivo de hacer quedar en ridiculo al presidente Jose de Jesus Ramplon Rijosa. Para llevar a cabo el plan precisa de sus tres mejores amigos dispersos por todo el mundo: Silvestre Anaya, mercader de arte en Nueva York, Manuel Doroteo, un genio de las finanzas en Alemania y Gunther Heinze, especialista en cibernetica en Mumbai. Pero sucesos no previstos, en el plan original, llevan a la cuarteta a modificar el robo del Castillo del Grillon y terminan por suplantar la Campana de la Independencia.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Amigos: 2: Workbook Lower (Uno)

Amigos: 2: Workbook Lower (Uno) Review

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Amigos: 2: Workbook Lower (Uno) Feature

Amigos 2 is the second part of a new contemporary Key Stage 3 Spanish course, designed specifically for Year 7 starters. Amigos is a 3-part Spanish course, so there if one part per year at Key Stage 3, making planning and course delivery much smoother. The Amigos Workbook (Lower) contains material that is at a lower level than the Students' Book to provide further support. For each unit there is the following material: one page of activities for each Students' Book spread (reading and writing activities); the unit vocabulary list; one page of grammar per unit; one page of material at a slightly higher level (to provide further differentiation) and a Ya se checklist.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pilates For Dummies

Pilates For Dummies Review

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Pilates For Dummies Feature

Once the secret fitness weapon of professional dancers, athletes, and movie stars, Pilates is sweeping the country with a vengeance. And if even half of what its many fans claim is true, then it’s easy to see why. Combining elements of yoga, dance, gymnastics, and boxing, along with many original movements, Pilates exercises build muscle tone, improve flexibility and balance, lengthen the spine, increase body awareness, and repair past injuries. Most people who’ve done it, even for a short time, say they feel stronger and more energized, centered and physically confident than ever before. They also like having the flat tummies, tight buns, and long lean thighs of a dancer.

Pilates For Dummies lets you get on board with the Pilates method , without the high cost of private instruction. Packed with step-by-step exercises, photos, and illustrations, it helps you develop your own Pilates fitness program to do at home or in the gym. Top Pilates trainer Ellie Herman shows you how to use eight basic Pi lates principles to get the most out of your mat-based routines and:

  • Look and feel better than ever
  • Get stronger, more flexible, in control and less prone to injury
  • Target and tone problem areas
  • Get movie star abs, buns, thighs and arms
  • Repair chronic stress and sports injuries

Calmly, clearly, and with quirky good humor, Ellie explores the origins and basic philosophy of the Pilates method, and helps you set realistic fitness goals and custom-tailor a program. She also covers:

  • Basic, intermediate , and advanced mat exercises
  • Using Pilates exercise equipment and accessories
  • Targeting specific areas including the stomach, back, thighs, and chest
  • Pilates for the pregnant and recently pregnant body
  • Using Pilates to heal injuries, reform posture
  • Ten simple ways to incorporate Pilates into your everyday life
  • Combining Pilates with other forms of exercise, including yoga, swimming, aerobics, and more

Why let the rich and famous have all the fun? Your complete, friendly, step-by-step guide, Pilates For Dummies shows how Pilates can offer a fitness program for the rest of us.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Aprende Ya! A Tocar El Acordeon De Botones

Aprende Ya! A Tocar El Acordeon De Botones Review

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Aprende Ya! A Tocar El Acordeon De Botones Feature

Una guia ilustrada que le muestra los conceptos basicos del fascinante mundo del acordeon! Los ejemplos se presentan en forma de diagramas y fotografias que se demustran en el disco compacto de acompanamiento.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

La pequena locomotora que si pudo (Little Engine That Could) (Spanish Edition)

La pequena locomotora que si pudo (Little Engine That Could) (Spanish Edition) Review

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La pequena locomotora que si pudo (Little Engine That Could) (Spanish Edition) Feature

A Spanish version of The Little Engine That Could shares the story's message of positive thinking with Spanish-speaking children and children who are just learning Spanish.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Toda Mafalda (Spanish Edition)

Toda Mafalda (Spanish Edition) Review

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Toda Mafalda (Spanish Edition) Feature

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cómo enseñar a leer a su bebé

Cómo enseñar a leer a su bebé Review

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Cómo enseñar a leer a su bebé Feature

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Espanol Para Ti: Fredo, Que Pasa? Level 5 (Spanish Edition)

Espanol Para Ti: Fredo, Que Pasa? Level 5 (Spanish Edition) Review

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Espanol Para Ti: Fredo, Que Pasa? Level 5 (Spanish Edition) Feature

Fredo, 'que pasa? Five short stories featured on various segments of the DVD/video. Stories feature the lovable character Fredo and his daily routine, his adventures going on a picnic, his family, going to the circus, and getting sick. Created for reading practice and vocabulary reinforcement, these original stories reuse concepts and themes introduced in the DVD/video lessons. The 64-page storybooks are available for purchase so that the children can read the books themselves.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Diccionario del uso del espanol. Edicion electronica (Spanish Edition)

Diccionario del uso del espanol. Edicion electronica (Spanish Edition) Review

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Diccionario del uso del espanol. Edicion electronica (Spanish Edition) Feature

Immediately and easily access over 91 thousand entries and 190 definitions etymology, pronunciation, irregular verbs, grammatical categories, construction indications, examples, scientific names, a list of synonyms, and words or phrases of similar or related meaning, grammatical articles and an exhaustive relation of toponyms and given names. Description in Spanish: ''A partir de la tercera edicion del Diccionario de uso del espanol MARIA MOLINER. El instrumento mas completo y fiable para comprender y usar el espanol. Acceso inmediato a 91.750 entradas y mas de 190.000 definiciones. Con etimologia, pronunciacion, plurales irregulares, categoria gramatical, marcas geograficas y de registro, indicaciones de construccion, ejemplos, nombres cientificos y listas de sinonimos y palabras o frases de significado afin o relacionado. Incluye articulos gramaticales y una completisima relacion de toponimos y gentilicios. Busqueda sobre el indice alfabetico e inverso. Busqueda de frases y locuciones, anagramas, toponimos y gentilicios, abreviaturas y simbolos de uso general. Morfologia completa, que permite localizar una palabra a partir de cualquiera de sus formas. Conjugador. Busquedas avanzadas. Exportacion de los listados resultantes de las busquedas. Acceso directo desde los procesadores de textos, mensajes de correo electronico, paginas Web y otros documentos. Presentacion clasica y Presentacion moderna.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

El Poder (The Secret) (Spanish Edition)

El Poder (The Secret) (Spanish Edition) Review

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El Poder (The Secret) (Spanish Edition) Feature

Este es el manual para el poder más grande que existe en el Universo: El Poder para lograr todo lo que quieres. Sin El Poder, no habrías nacido.

Sin El Poder, no existiría un solo ser humano en todo el planeta. Cada descubrimiento, invento y creación humana viene de El Poder. La salud perfecta, relaciones increíbles, una carrera que amas, una vida llena de felicidad y el dinero que necesitas para ser, hacer y tener todo lo que quieres, todo eso viene de El Poder.

La vida de tus sueños ha estado más cerca de lo que suponías, porque El Poder —para lograr todo lo bueno que hay en la vida— está dentro de ti.

Para crear cualquier cosa, para cambiar cualquier cosa, lo único que se necesita es... el poder.

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