Thursday, July 7, 2011

Las fantasticas: Las munecas de la mafia / The Narco Chicks (Spanish Edition)

Las fantasticas: Las munecas de la mafia / The Narco Chicks (Spanish Edition) Review

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Las fantasticas: Las munecas de la mafia / The Narco Chicks (Spanish Edition) Feature

Las Fantasticas or Las munecas de la mafia are women who rarely go unnoticed. During their time of glory, paraded at their husband s side, they travel in opulent vehicles decked out in the latest designer fashions and live in the lap of luxury. It just takes one second, one false move, however, and their entire life comes crashing down on them. Their man loses power, money and/or his freedom, and suddenly their golden dream turns into their darkest nightmare. Glamour and an affluent lifestyle give way to uncertainty, unease, and an inability to go back to a normal life.

Las Fantasticas were always the official women. They were owed respect and subservience. Never before had anyone told their story, had delved into their metamorphosis from simple, unassuming women into the partner of recognized criminals. The television series, named Las munecas de la mafia is one of Colombia s top viewed show since its release.
The true story of drug trafficking as recounted by the wives of the top Colombian drug lords.
Six horrifying tales of the behind the scenes in the lives of the women of Colombian drug dealers.
True stories of the wives and women of drug dealers, whose names, even if concealed behind pseudonyms, are easy to recognize in real life.
Never before has such an intimate portrayal of these women been available to the public. Be the first to read what they are really like and how much they are willing to change for power and money.
The television series, which is called Las munecas de la mafia will air in the United States soon, will consist of 40 chapters, and is less violent and more humorous than El cartel.

Spanish Description:
Las Fantasticas o Las munecas de la mafia son mujeres que dificilmente pasan desapercibidas. En su epoca dorada, cuando estan en compania de sus esposos, son seres que se pasean en carros ultimo modelo y desfilan ropa, zapatos y carteras de marca. Pero solo falta que los narcotraficantes pierdan su poder y su dinero y terminen en carceles estadounidenses para que el sueno de ellas se convierta en una pesadilla. El glamour y la vida a manos llenas le da paso a la incertidumbre, la desazon y la imposibilidad de volver a la cotidianidad. La serie de television Las munecas de la mafia goza de los niveles mas altos de audiencia en Colombia, y pronto llegara a Estados Unidos.

Hasta ahora nadie habia contado como eran las mujeres de los narcos ni hasta donde llegaban para transformarse de ser sencillas jovencitas para convertirse en companeras de reconocidos delincuentes. Las mujeres de estas historias son de carne y hueso, de la vida real.
Basado en la Serie de TV Las Munecas de la Mafia

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